Quantum Run
The two main characters Max and Jennifer and their little companion Go-Rooster, guided by their school teacher Prof. Victor Qvantoff are all sucked into a malfunctioning particle accelerator "Cyclotron", that teleported them into another dimension, where in a remote chain of islands, they have to go through different "Science Labs", collecting "quantas" of energy balls, unlocking the spirits of dead scientists, encountering unstable quantum variations of realities, fighting weird hybrids and crazy robots, solving puzzles, entering quantum tunnels, fighting different bosses at each level and much, much more. After unlocking all "Labs" of course they will fight the evil spirit of "The Mad Scientist" and get to the "Virtual Cyclotron" in order to teleport back to the actual reality.
I have done work as a character artist and game developer on this project.
These are the characters I made for "Quantum Run". Modelling, texturing and rigging was all done by me.